
Openoffice 2.4
Openoffice 2.4

openoffice 2.4 openoffice 2.4

Apache OpenOffice supports more than 40 languages, offers hundreds of ready-to-use extensions, and is the productivity suite of choice for governments seeking to meet mandates for using ISO/IEC standard Open Document Format (ODF) files. Used by millions of organizations, institutions, and individuals around the world, Apache OpenOffice delivered 317M+ downloads* and provides more than $25M in value to users per day.

openoffice 2.4

Wilmington, DE -7 October 2021- The Apache® Software Foundation (ASF), the world’s largest Open Source foundation, announced today Apache OpenOffice® 4.1.11, the popular Open Source office-document productivity suite. Updates to security and availability of leading Open Source office document productivity suite 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® OpenOffice® 4.1.11

Openoffice 2.4